It seemed like a dream, too good to be true,when God returned Zion’s exiles.We laughed, we sang,we couldn’t believe our good fortune.We were the talk of the nations–“God was wonderful to them!”God was wonderful to us;we are one happy people.And now, God, do it again–bring rains to our drought-stricken livesSo those who planted their crops in […]
weighty intimacy
We can only really begin to feel the weight of our circumstances when we let others in on them. Three years ago, I wasn’t letting people in. On the details, yes. On the big picture, definitely. On my heart, no. On my emotions, not even close. On my depths, never. Or so I thought. I […]
widen your hearts
Three nights before graduation, my heart burst open. The tears took me straight to my knees as five years worth of emotions caught up with me in one rush. I cupped my face in my hands, I rocked back and forth, and I felt each moment wash over me. Solely because I had asked a […]
a note for the longing
Love is and always was the longing placed inside my heart to know You, and be known by You.(from “the longing” by All Sons & Daughters…check out the whole song here and the song story here) The Lord woke me up with this song first on my pandora playlist this morning, after several switches through playlists. […]