Psalms of Deconstruction – a poetry collection
This book is for you if… you’ve ever stumbled into old journal entries and thought, “I’m not sure how I feel about this.”
…your childhood faith feels foreign to you
…you have more questions than answers
…you used to be “on fire for God,” but don’t feel that way anymore
…you are looking for comfort more than clarity in your journey
This book is for you whether or not you use the term “deconstruction” to describe your faith journey or not. I want these poems to spark hope and life and comfort wherever you are. And maybe even inspire some psalms of your own.
The Voices of Advent – Advent Study 2022
This year’s Advent Study was inspired by the newly released book, The First Advent in Palestine by Kelley Nikondeha.
Her stunningly researched and beautifully written narratives on the characters of Advent inspired several poems in the voices of those characters.
Now available as an e-book on Amazon.
*If you would prefer to purchase directly from me, please email me at
The Slow Rescue – Adventy Study 2021
My first Advent Study is now available on Amazon!
Explore the themes of Advent with fresh retellings of stories you know and love, and reflect with extra questions and reading options.
*If you would prefer to purchase directly from me, please email me at
Other places to read my work:
An Ode to Quiet, is featured in their 3rd Mindful Poetry Moments collection.
I wrote this poem during their Mindful Poetry Moments webinar in Spring 2022, in which we read “Coconut Oil” by Roshni Goyate. After a meditation, reading, and discussion, we each wrote and read poems inspired by this beautiful piece. Mindful Poetry Moments was incubated with @onbeing. The Well is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Diversity of Belonging, a poem I wrote in 2021, is featured in redrosethornes‘ first annual publication.
Centered around the themes of connection and belonging, this magazine is a diverse collection of feminist writers. You can purchase the print version of the magazine here!