After the events of January 6th, 2021, I had a lot of words swirling in my mind. Some I’ve shared here & on Instagram. One phrase I kept hearing was the Biblical phrase, “for such a time as this.” It’s a familiar phrase, but it’s context struck in a new way in light of current events. And I think it applies especially to writers & creatives, who may need this reminder, taken from a guest post I wrote this week for Windrose Magazine:
We will not always feel inspired, nor will our inspiration ever be enough.
We might come to a blank page and blinking cursor with everything but courage.
But we will always have the responsibility to do the thing we were created to do, which is not only to write or create, but to love.
For such a time as this, we love.
Not the works of hatred and insurrection.
But those whom Jesus chose to encounter: the marginalized, overlooked, underrated, and unloved.
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